Compare fractions calculator
Compare fractions calculator

compare fractions calculator

I think it is to avoid confusing our students. Then, the diagonal’s product is next to the correct fraction. I like to always go from the bottom to the top. All you need to do is multiply the diagonals and you are ready to compare the fractions.īe careful not to confuse your diagonals. If your students ONLY need to compare fractions and don’t need to add or subtract them, there is no reason to follow through with getting a common denominator.

compare fractions calculator

Her students loved (and REMEMBERED) that! One teacher I knew called this process shooting the ducks. Speaking of different names for the same process… Students can use this method to compare fractions, add fractions, and subtract fractions. It is just a different name for the same process. The butterfly method is the same as the cross multiply and smile method.


Check out two methods that I use to teach students how to compare fractions, add fractions, and subtract fractions: After all, some students get very confused when you show them too many methods to complete the same process. However, it is nice to have an algorithm or two that you plan to model for your students. I don’t think there is anything wrong with allowing students to choose a method that works best for them, even if it isn’t a method you taught them. Make sure that your students can simplify fractions (even big ones) if you decide to use this method all the time. Some middle school math teachers that I know require students to ALWAYS multiply the diagonals and the denominators and NEVER use the traditional, “find the least common denominator” method. However, it is important for the students to realize that what they are actually doing is getting a common denominator, even if they don’t multiply the denominators together. They think it is genius and don’t understand why they haven’t been doing it all along. Most students love that they can multiply the diagonals and instantly compare the fractions. How do I teach students to compare fractions?

Compare fractions calculator